

英漢字典: pay off

1. pay the wages of付工資

    The men were paid off just before the holiday. 剛好放假前,這些人領到了工資。

    They're usually paid off at weekends. 他們一般在週末領工資。

2. discharge a debt completely償清(債務)

    It took them three years to pay off their debts. 他們付了3年才付清了債務。

    You must pay off your old loan before you can obtain a new one. 你必須還清舊債才能再借款。

3. be rewarding有報償

    John studied hard before the examination,and it paid off. 約翰考試前學習很刻苦,因而得到了回報。

    It has been rather costly to install the machinery, but it should pay off in the long run. 安裝機械的代價很高,但從長遠看是劃算的。

4. pay and discharge from a job發薪遣散

    The manager paid off the redundant employees. 經理將冗員的工資付清後把他們解雇了。

    The whole ship's crew were paid off at the end of the voyage. 遠航結束時全船員工拿到工資後就被遣散了。

5. get revenge on報復;報仇

    You'll be paid off for negligence. 你將因失職而受到處罰。

    Joel wanted to pdy William off for backbiting him. 喬爾因威廉在背後說他壞話而要對他進行報復。

6. give money to sb. to stop him from threatening給(某人)錢使其不做危害自己的事;賄賂

    He agreed to pay the gang off if they promised not to burn down his shop. 如果匪徒們答應不燒毀他的商店,他同意給他們錢。

    The inspector won't be paid off to let that go through. 檢查員是不會受賄而讓那件事通過的。

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